For the past 34 years Maco Tool has built new and rebuilt, with updated automations, complete machines for the automotive, agricultural, mining, steel production, and even the “meat processing” industry.
Maco Tool provides from start of the base up to the running production of that machine to prove its capabilities before it leaves our shop floor.
We have completed machines that are in operation through the United States, China, Korea, Canada, Argentina, Mexico, Italy, France, and Germany.
The St. Johns shop can handle machine build and rebuild projects up to 10,000 pounds.
We build to your prints and specifications or we can provide credited design sources to meet your needs.
Maco Tool machine build capabilities are weld, machine, fabricate details, assembly, pneumatics, auto lube systems, electrical controls, PLC programming, enclosures, guarding, and conveyors.
To keep your company up and running see our Locations page for contact details.